Welcome to MU United Soccer Club

Middleton United Soccer Club is based in Middleton, WI. Located just outside of Madison, the club is one of the premier programs in the area that focuses on skill development, player growth and a growing appreciation for the game of soccer. The club provides a development program that incorporates training and coaching that builds our youth's passion for the game. Middled United is a part of MAYSA, Madison Area Youth Soccer Association.

Our mission is to provide a positive, fun, organized, and affordable soccer program for young players living in or near the Middleton Cross Plains Area School District. MU offers Recreational teams for ages U5 - U14, and Competitive teams for ages U11 - U19. Middleton United promotes the physical, mental and emotional growth and development of all youth. We are dedicated to promoting soccer through our core values of:

  • Sportsmanship
  • Team Building
  • Skill Development
  • FUN!

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Get the latest information on the club, schedules and ways to support the club

Show your spirit! Support the club and your kids

Purchasing spirit wear is a great way to show your support for MU while fostering team pride and community spirit. Proceeds from the sales often go toward funding equipment, uniforms, and other essentials to help the program grow.

Visit the Store

Registration is OPEN for Spring 2025!

Registration between May 1st and September 1st covers your players registration for both the Fall and Spring season.  Registration between January 1st and March 1st covers the Spring season.  Our full soccer season runs similarly to a school year of Fall through the Spring season.

Register Today

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Like us on Facebook to stay connected year round with what's happening at Middleton United.

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Thank You to Our Sponsors

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